So You’re On the Regular Teaching Schedule at STEPS on Broadway

Today was one of those days,

A year ago, I prayed to the Goddess above that I could have a day like today.

I wanted to be in a space where I was creating nonstop. I would roll out of bed and seek the step that would launch the next idea for a scene, with highlighted melodies that would rouse the patter in my heart to pump.

The kind of heart pump that happens when you acknowledge and connect but mostly admit to yourself that you’re Crushin’ On Someone!

It is some kind of wonderful to be in the sight of your inspiration. It is awesome to know that as far as you’ve come, you are aware that you seek new ways to grow, play, and create a life that thrives on making magic appear within yourself in the most confident and self-empowering ways… AAANNNDDDD helps others to make magic within themselves.

Nothing brings me more joy than thinking about how far I’ve come and how excited I am to wake up to create and celebrate Growth.

For now, though, I’ll rest and congratulate myself on being present in every second of today. For every moment shared in rehearsal, class, practice, and family, Thank You.

PS. I’ll See You In Class

Tuesday’s 230-4pm

Steps on Broadway


And Yet, We Are The Creative Ones.


Today, I am 40