Today, I am 40

And I feel like I'm just meeting myself, but there is an inherent feeling that there is

The expectation to love myself in an instant.

Several hours into this birth of a day dawning with a clearish sky that reflects the warmth of the earth beneath me, a brisk breeze of familiarity brushes over my neck but somehow manages to feel just new enough to tickle me from my coccyx to the crown of my head. I am merging and aligning into the human I dare to become.

I want to continue to ease into the love of myself because doing so with the presence of mind that love - ages - well, I am tuned to see and behold that patience in the process is a privilege worth surrendering to.

Flowing with the freedom that is finding a home within me,

there is an observance. A moment of great silence that welcomes each new follicle that rushes to my skin like a lone ant seeking new ground to build a home. I am being curated into a mound of Olympus - strong, steady, and true to volunteer as the tribute connecting with the highest form I can awaken and rise to.

Undoubtedly, the life I most desire is ahead of me. The life I have lived is within me but not imprinted, so to make more space for all there is to come, of learning how to find ease, flow, and connectivity of living life fearing less and creating more.

*Written December 27, 2024

* Edited December 29, 2024


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